Get a glimpse into the local data revolution in Tanzania.
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Painting Data-Driven Stories about Sexual Health
A mural in Mbagala, a ward in Temeke District in Dar Es Salaam, is sharing data about early teen pregnancy and ways that young girls can access resources in their community.
Tanzania Data Tamasha
In December 2017, the Data Collaboratives for Local Impact community hosted Tanzania’s first-ever Data Tamasha (Data Festival) highlighting data use stories from across the country.
School of Data Summer Camp with Young Data Ambassadors
In October 2017, the School of Data’s annual “Summer Camp” was hosted at the dLab and was joined by dozens of young data ambassadors from across Tanzania, including Mandela Washington Fellows. Learn more here.
Khanga Data Design Workshop
In October, Data Zetu and Temeke-based arts organization FASDO worked with dozens of artists to develop data-driven messages in khanga—garments worn by women in Tanzania that often bear social messages. Learn more about Data Zetu’s work with art and data here.
Developing Tools and Supporting Data Skills
Data Zetu works with local and national community organizations to build tools and skills that address data challenges. These photos feature our collaboration with Sikika, a national health-focused CSO, to build data management and collection tools as well as build confidence in working with data to improve day-to-day activities.
Listening Campaigns
Listening campaigns are community meetups where citizens and local leaders identify and prioritize challenges that face them very day. Learn more here.
Putting Local Data on the Map
Community mapping engages citizens to identify points of interest—underresourced health facilities, flooding hotspots that risk spreading disease, etc.—so that they and local leaders can a make better informed decisions about investments and priorities.
Building data skills in rural Tanzania
Kyela District Council is located near Tanzania’s border with Malawi. Leaders and community organizations work with data every day to inform activities and investments that affect challenges facing sexual health, economic growth, and gender equality. In May 2017, Data Zetu worked with dLab’s data scientists to build skills working with data at these organizations.
Watch a video of Kyela’s District Executive Director sharing the importance of working with data at his office.