
Insights from our open M&E data

Often, reporting indicator data enables us to forget to dig deeper into the numbers to surface latent insights. By looking at disaggregated data, we can share some unique insights that can inform our program and help others identify areas for further exploration or investment.

Explore the data yourself! Click here to download our M&E data. This data is published as a beta dataset – a “betaset” – meaning its content is not official but meant to spark discussion and even to invite others to find holes or faults in the data, so we can improve. Alternatively, scroll down to explore the data through an interactive dashboard!


Insight #1: People working at the middle levels of organization report the strongest evidence of impact.

After working with us, mid- and senior- level practitioners report the most positive change in their perceptions about how data can support their work, when compared to support staff. This might be because mid-level and management positions are more empowered in their jobs to make decisions from data. However, there isn’t much difference between role types when evaluating the improvement in data literacy skills; all three categories report a similar level of improvement.

(Use the arrows to navigate through four different metrics. The first three are about perceived value of data, while the last is about data literacy.)

Insight #2: Youth respond differently to our programming than older people do.

Nearly two-thirds of youth we work with report an improvement in their perceived value of data, compared to about 57% for people over 35 (in Tanzania, the official age for “youth” is 35 and under). Meanwhile older people’s data skills improve more than young people’s. This could be because their starting point for data literacy is lower than youths’, so there’s more room for improvement.
(Use the arrows to navigate between perceived value of data and data literacy.)

Insight #3: Location and gender play a role.

After working with Data Zetu, more men than women report an increase in their perceived value of data in rural and urban areas—but in semi-urban areas, more women report this change than men do. Notably, perceived value of data increases more in urban and semi-urban settings than in rural areas.

(These charts are made using Infogram, a free tool for interactive data visualization.)

Unveil your own insights!

Download our open impact data here, or interact with it using the dashboard below (click here to explore in a new window!)


This is an experimental product of Data Zetu. The data is updated as of April 2018, but quality assurance for the data powering this dashboard is ongoing. This message will be removed once the data is safe for interpretation and re-use.

DISCLAIMER: The data and insights presented here are not necessarily statistically representative and are not published as official statistics. Rather, they represent a small subsection of the population who have interacted with Data Zetu activities and voluntarily provided their feedback to inform our impact monitoring efforts.